
Thursday, August 29, 2013

WOD 8/29

Workout of the Day (WOD) 8/29


Warm up
1 Minute Jumping Jacks

Run 1.5 Miles
Max Set of Push-ups
Max Set of Dips
Max Set of Body Weight Squats
15 - Burpees

Run 1 Mile
Max Set of Sit ups
1 Minute - Mountain Climbers
1 Minute - Planks
1 Minute - Flutter Kicks

Run .5 Mile
Max Set of Push-ups
Max Set of Dips
Max Set of Body Weight Squats
Max Set of Pull-ups
Max Set of Sit-ups

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

WOD 8/27

Workout of the Day (WOD) 8/27

Today is a good day to hit the weights. After a day of rest your body should be ready for a little extra work.

Warm up
1 Mile Run Steady Pace

Start off with a weight you are comfortable with

Bench-15 Reps
Squat- 15 Reps
Curls- 15 Reps
Tricep Extension - 15 Reps

Add 5 pounds to each workout

Bench - 10 Reps
Squat - 10 Reps
Curls - 10 Reps
Tricep Extenson - 10 Reps

Add 5 pounds to each workout (this should be a difficult weight and expect to only be able to do a few reps)

Bench - (5-8) Reps
Squat - (5-8) Reps
Curls - (5-8) Reps
Tricep Extenson - (5-8) Reps

Now that the weight lifting is done, I always like to throw in a little calisthenics at the end. 

Max Reps

Cool Down

Bike/Walk - 5 Mins

This should be a difficult workout and you should feel exhausted when you are done. Embrace that feeling!

Monday, August 26, 2013

WOD 8/26

Workout of the Day (WOD) 8/26

For me I find it easier to make time for long hard workouts on the weekends. Therefore, I usually have my rest day be Monday. Not only is it the first day of the work week, but you are likely to be more tired than any other day of the week. My advice take Monday off, rest up, and get ready to hit it hard again on Tuesday.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

WOD 8/25

Workout of the Day (WOD) 8/25
Sorry for delay between posts, but here today's WOD. CARDIO

Run 1 Mile

Repeat 4 times

  1. Body Weight Squats (15)
  2. Sprint for 25 Seconds
  3. Rest 30 Seconds

Repeat 3 times

  1. Push Ups (15)
  2. Sprint for 20 Seconds
  3. Rest 30 Seconds

Repeat 2 times

  1. Box Jumps (15)
  2. Sprint for 15 Seconds
  3. Rest 30 Seconds

Run .5 Mile (Cool Down)

Friday, August 23, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge

In the last month I have seen several 30 Day Fitness Challenges pop up. All seem to have good parts and pieces but none of them had a solid overall workout.  I have created a combination of a couple different ones that I believe will give you an all around great workout and that I have currently been participating in. Keep in mind this does not have to be your total source of working out each day. I have been able to incorporate this challenge into my daily routine to spice things up a little. If you feel up to it give it a shot and let me know how it goes! Also, some of you may not be able to start off with 20 reps of each. If you have to start off with 10 or 15 reps of each that is fine, just remember to push yourself and try your best and you will see results.

Do not break into sets
Complete one exercise before moving onto the next
Know your limits and use proper form

Day 1 20 Jumping Jacks
         20 Burpees
         20 Squats
         20 Push-ups
         20 Sit-ups

Day 2 25 Jumping Jacks
         25 Burpees
         25 Squats
         25 Push-ups
         25 Sit-ups

Day 3 30 Jumping Jacks
          30 Burpees
          30 Squats
          30 Push-ups
          30 Sit-ups

Day 4 REST (Keep doing these same 5 workouts each day. I am going to write out how many reps of each should be done on that day)

Day 5 - 35 Reps
Day 6 - 40 Reps 
Day 7 - 45 Reps
Day 8 REST
Day 9 - 50 Reps
Day 10 - 55 Reps
Day 11 - 60 Reps
Day 12 Rest
Day 13 - 65 Reps
Day 14 - 70 Reps
Day 15 - 75 Reps
Day 16 REST
Day 17 - 80 Reps
Day 18 - 85 Reps
Day 19 - 90 Reps
Day 20 REST
Day 21 - 95 Reps
Day 22 - 100 Reps
Day 23 - 105 Reps
Day 24 Rest
Day 25 - 110 Reps
Day 26 - 115 Reps
Day 27 - 120 Reps
Day 28 Rest
Day 29 - 125 Reps
Day 30 - 130 Reps

If you made it through the whole challenge congratulations! Feel free to share your results and let me know if you liked it or not! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

WOD 8/20

Workout of the Day (WOD) 8/20
Circuit 1 Minute Each Max effort (20 Mins)

Mountain Climbers
Flutter Kicks
Jumping Jacks

In & Outs
One Legged Hops (Both Legs)



Monday, August 19, 2013

WOD 8/19

Workout of the day (WOD) 8/19
3 sets of the following:

75 Jumping Jacks
30 Squats
30 Burpees
30 Push-ups
50 Sit-ups
20 Calf Raises (for more range of motion use a step)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

WOD 8/18

Workout of the Day (WOD)
100 Jumping Jacks
40 Squats
30 Lunges
20 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
40 Mountain Climbers